8 Things Community Season 6 Has To Do‏

2. Stay Just The Same

NBCNBCThere's a temptation when a show moves from network TV to a less-regulated form like the internet for the show to do something different. So far with the Netflix model we've seen swearing, violence and bad language of the sort that would make even HBO blush, and star Joel McHale has made a tongue-in-cheek joke that €œIt€™s the internet. We can swear now.€ But the real worry is that the show could pull an Arrested Development, following the lead of season five guest star Mitch Hurwitz in trying something new and daring with the whole binge-watching paradigm. Originally the fourth season of Arrested Development €“ a similarly cancelled cult comedy which had a much bigger, more committed following than it did an audience €“ was going to take advantage of every episode being available immediately, by allowing the series to be watched in any order you pleased. Which, of course, ended up being a step too far and was more or less abandoned, the show making little sense if you put it on shuffle. Not only do we hope Community will avoid any such pitfalls (despite its experimental nature being one of the things we love about it), we also hope it manages to keep everything else we loved about the show: the familiar surroundings of Greendale, the broken characters we've come to love and empathise with, the genre parodies, the emotional catharsis, all just the same as it was on NBC. Though we suppose swearing would be okay sometimes.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/