8 Things Only Brooklyn Nine-Nine Fans Will Understand

3. Proposing A Halloween Heist

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Jake Boyle & Rosa

Another of the Nine Nine's annual traditions is their Halloween heist. Fans of the show have come to expect a yearly Halloween episode filled with twists, betrayals and childish rivalries between each and every member of the squad. In these episodes, we get to see just how far the characters are willing to go to outdo their friends and colleagues, and each year the stakes seem to edge ever higher.

Impressionable creatures that we are, it's hard to watch the events of the Nine Nine's Halloween heists unfold without feeling an overwhelming urge to try it for ourselves.

If you have a group of friends large enough and willing enough to organise it, you might be in with a shot. If your pals have never seen the show, however, it'll probably be Christmas before you're finished explaining exactly why the heist is necessary.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.