8 Things You Need To Know About Dating A Doctor Who Fan

3. Unrealistic Expectations

It won't take you long to realise that Doctor Who fans, through no fault of their own, are somewhat deluded when it comes to what constitutes a great love story. And can you blame them? Over the years, the series has played host to its fair share of romantical liaisons (some, admittedly, more conventional than others) and the unequivocal love of its central characters is often defying the very realms of time and space itself. It's understandable, therefore, that Doctor Who fans have developed somewhat unrealistic expectations when it comes to that crazy little thing called love. In fact, if you're not ripping down the dimensions of a parallel universe, burning up a sun just to say goodbye or generally waiting 2,000 years outside a box to be reunited with your beloved, you're probably not doing enough to win the heart of a Whovian. You can't expect to win their Go on. Push the boat out. Tumblr M6pp0ygf6o1ru2yklo4 250 Gif
Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.