8 Times Robin Outsmarted Batman

5. Dick Grayson Kills Batman - Titans

Jason Todd
Warner Bros.

It may have been a twisted fantasy dreamed up by the demonic Trigon, but the the first season of Titans concluded with Dick Grayson having to use all of his skill and intelligence to permanently take down Batman.

As the show skips ahead five years, we see the Caped Crusader finally reaching his breaking point. Deciding that the only way he can properly stop The Joker is to kill him, Batman embarks on a murderous rampage that includes the death of the Clown Prince of Crime and every other person held at Arkham Asylum.

With no choice, it's Dick who's forced to confront his mentor and put a stop to his bloodthirsty ways. And put a stop to them, Grayson does.

Using his smarts, Robin decides that the best way to flush Batman out is to reveal the Dark Knight's secret identity to the police. That doesn't work out all that well, for the ensuing ambush on Wayne Manor sees Starfire and a slew of FBI agents added to the body count amassed by the World's Greatest Detective.

Having blown up Wayne Manor, Dick finds the fallen Bat and puts him out of his misery.

This, as said, would all be the creation of Trigon as he tried to get Dick Grayson to embrace the darkness - but it was yet another example of a Robin outwitting Batman.

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