8 TV Finales That Left Major Unanswered Questions

5. Being Human

Being HumanBBCEpisode: The Last Broadcast (2013) Being Human, the supernatural - and often underrated - comedy-drama, which focussed on a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost sharing a house is another series that went for ambiguity all the way in its dramatic last ever episode, cheekily titled The Last Broadcast. The Devil, in the form of a sly, disgusting Phil Davis, has gained full strength once again and is, inevitably, set to bring about the apocalypse and destroy all humanity by means of broadcasting himself across the world, saying a message that will make everyone kill themselves upon hearing it. To stop our heroes spoiling his plan, the Devil traps them all in dream worlds where they can live out perfect lives, free of their curses. However, the intrepid trio break out of their dreams - stating that they wouldn't want a life where they aren't together (aww) - and save the day, defeating the Devil for good. And, with the Devil, the progenitor of their afflictions, dead, the trio find themselves human again. Hooray! Except the final shot of the whole series shows an origami wolf, something from one of the dream worlds shown earlier. Is this even real? Yes, it owes something of a debt to the final scene of Inception but it worked there so why can't it work again? Answer: it does, leaving the show with a fitting end for a series that never gave its characters any happy ever afters. Interestingly, anyone who bought the Series 5 DVD would have discovered an extra scene set after the end where the trio realise they are in a dream world, As it breaks down around them, the heroes declare that they are going back to save the world. For a show to have one ambiguous ending is interesting enough but to then answer that one and then create another means Being Human certainly deserves its place on this list.
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