8 TV Love Triangles That Worked (And 3 That Didn't)

The Bad...

3. Mickey, Ian & Trevor - Shameless (U.S.)

Shameless US

The love triangle between Shameless regulars Ian, Mickey and newcomer Trevor didn't last long, and with good reason. The seventh season of the hit Showtime comedy-drama focused on Ian's budding relationship with Trevor, but things became complicated when Mickey escaped from prison.

The problem with this triangle is that it should've never happened. Sure, Ian and Trevor may make a nice couple, but they're isn't really any chemistry between the two characters. Mickey, on the other hand, was the love of Ian's life, and sparks would fly every time they were in the same room. It's also important to remember that the only reason the fan-favourite relationship was ended was because actor Noel Fisher departed the show.

Bringing Mickey back for a few episodes revitalised one of the show's less than stellar seasons, but Ian's relationship with Trevor relationship shouldn't have figured into the equation because, again, there is no passion between the two. As soon as Mickey came back, Trevor should've been dumped. It wasn't really a case of 'who will Ian choose?', it was more 'when will Ian break up with Trevor?'


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.