Armando Iannuccis first venture into American television, Veep began life as a look into the life of Vice President Selina Meyer, played by the peerless Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Much of the humor came from the relative lack of import to her position in the political realm. However, that was not a dynamic premise, and could have worn out its welcome. As such, Veep decided to ramp up the stakes. During the second season, the President decides he wont run for a second term, so the show becomes about Meyer running for President. Thats not all, either. Toward the end of the most recent season, Veep changed things up again, as the President decided to resign, meaning Meyer became President. When the show began, Meyer was stuck in a position of little to no power. Now, shes the most powerful woman in the world, giving the show a whole new realm of comedy to delve into.