8 Underrated Comic Books That Deserve Their Own TV Show

2. The Goon

The Goon Eric Powell
Dark Horse

One of Dark Horse's best books, The Goon - written, drawn and created by Eric Powell - centres around, well, The Goon, as he chops, shoots and bludgeons a myriad of ghoulish creatures with his partner in crime, Franky, a bumbling yet wholly unthreatening counterpart to the eponymous hero's more dangerous demeanour.

Situated in a world where zombies, monsters, and all other kinds of creepy crawlies run rampant, The Goon quickly established itself as a series with a flare for the comedic, owing its success partially to its own stylistic brilliance, with Powell's unique art style owing itself wonderfully to the wacky yet wholly enjoyable tales that he's written. Surprisingly enough, the series is still being published today and, if we're particularly lucky, the long-gestating animated adaptation could be underway soon as well.

That isn't cause enough to write off a TV show however, especially when you consider that it's been close to a decade since the film was originally announced. Animated or otherwise, it's a premise that could easily thrive on the small screen - one that deserves a chance irrespective of any Kickstarter controversy that may accompany it.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.