8 Ups & 1 Down For Star Trek: Lower Decks 5.8: Upper Decks
8. UP — Good Gourd!

Whether you're on one, or simply out of one's, who doesn't love a good gourd! For an episode primarily without them, it started off strongly with them, carving trekly themed pumpkins. In fact, the Lower Deckers were seemingly so invested in their traditional Earth activities (takes an Orion to know about Halloween), they missed all the Upper Decker action.
What in the Mary Poppins of pumpkins is going on this week? Mariner just got back from being trapped in a painting and riding a rainbow. Meanwhile, Rutherford, Boimler, Tendi, and T'Lyn are "mutilating" some fleshy fruit, and there are cloaking 'space cows' (Buhgoon) out the window. Lower Decks, we will miss you!
Having the Cerritos and/or V'ger on your jack-o'-lantern might not be scary enough to ward off those demons (it didn't work for the Clickets), but that is less important than how awesome it looks. As ever, the references are as sharp as the laser scalpels (we assume) they are using to carve them — "The Creator must join with V'ger". Janeway, Kirk, and Sisko get a (direct) shout out too.