8 Ups & NO Downs From Star Trek: Lower Decks 5.2 - Shades Of Green


Orions Tendi Star Trek Lower Decks Animated Series
CBS Media Ventures

I wonder if Boimler has a 'Bointer' for spotting Easter eggs. He probably has his own version of Cetacean Observations for Pog & Dar: Cop Landlords, the Ferengi soap opera. Bointer #47: 'Coffee is fine, Slug-o-Cola divine,' perhaps?

In any case, 'Bointers' were their own reference, not to the 'Rules of Acquisition' per se, but to another set, printed and bound for Wesley Crusher's pleasure. We're talking about 'Robin's Laws,' of course, of Ensign Robin Lefler from Star Trek: The Next Generation's seminal metaphor The Game. Robin's Law #1: "You can only count on yourself." Not very Starfleet, but okay!

This next one is admittedly a bit of a stretch, but it's worth mentioning here. On the Cerritos, there was a familiar cadence, I thought, to the faltering opening and closing of those doors. Combined with the sudden, and inadvertently frightening appearance of T'Lyn, it reminded me of Tuvok's similarly startling move to Neelix outside the turbolift in The Haunting of Deck Twelve. It also bore at least some resemblance to Commander Chakotay's door troubles in his quarters towards the start of One Small Step.

I shall leave you with Seán for the rest of all things "'tons". Until next time and/or that post-capitalism party!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.