8 Ways DC Could Actually Save Titans

6. No Guns, And No Killing

Batman No Gun Rule
DC Comics

Batman's no gun rule has been passed down through each and every decade (though exceptions have been made from time to time), as has his no-killing mantra. It's an ethos every Robin has adopted while they've donned the red and green outfit (Jason Todd's escapades as Red Hood are of course the exception), and while many have taken issue with the Dark Knight before, they've never gone so far as to cross the line and take a life.

More recent cinematic interpretations of the Bat-mythos have sadly ignored this element of the character, with the Caped Crusader of the DCEU having murdered dozens of people in Batman v Superman alone. Factor in a newfound love of firearms on the big screen, and it's easy to see why Titans thinks it can get away with the same approach.

It shouldn't.

The DCEU - now dubbed Worlds of DC - is well on its way to divesting from the tone of old, and no one really wants to see the Boy Wonder stabbing and shooting his way out of a fight, let alone break someone's neck when they're already out of commission.

How Warner Bros. keep on failing to translate the most essential part of Batman's vigilantism really does boggle the mind, but if Robin keeps doing it too, then something is very clearly wrong.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.