8 Ways Doctor Who Could Actually End

4. Timeless Child Time Loop

Doctor Who David Tennant Tenth Doctor regeneration
BBC Studios

So far, we've mostly discussed endings that people would be happy with, but here's one that would certainly prove a divisive way to cap things off.

Though plenty of fans expected Series 13: Flux to provide more answers about the Timeless Child story (or maybe even wrap it up for good), it really didn't. All we got was a mention that the Timeless Child might've been from a parallel universe, and even that wasn't a concrete revelation, or even a surprising one.

With so much wiggle room then - and with current showrunner Chris Chibnall having just two episodes left before departing, giving him very little time to flesh everything out - there's an opportunity to use the Timeless Child as a way to bring the show full-circle.

Basically, what if the final Doctor regenerates before falling through a purple wormhole, revealing that this is where the original Timeless Child came from? This would essentially make the entirety of Doctor Who one massive time loop, and though it's unlikely that a future showrunner would want to revisit such a divisive storyline - especially if they're bringing Doctor Who to an end, and one of the goals is to keep fans happy - it would be perfectly on-brand for such a timey-wimey show.

Alternatively, we could even circle back to the official First Doctor, William Hartnell, as a way to honour the incredible history of the show.

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