8 Ways It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Could End

6. They Are Trapped In Virtual Reality

It's Always Sunny

Always Sunny in Philadelphia has an interesting outlook on technology, as the show does like to poke fun at the trivialisations of modern tech, but always from a distance. The gang almost seem removed from society thanks to how little they respond to smartphones, iPads, electric cars and more. But, what if that is for a reason?

The show has dabbled in virtual reality before, in the episode "PTSDee", where Mac and Frank got post-traumatic stress disorder from playing a VR war game. Still, they brushed past the subject and focussed more on the emotional aspects that the game brought about rather than the technology itself.

So, what if there isn't much technology in their world because they are all trapped inside virtual reality and choose to live somewhere that's nostalgic for them, i.e. somewhere with less tech. It sounds completely out of left field, but the wild card nature of the show means it can't be entirely written off.

Plus, this would act as a perfect example of how the business stays afloat with so few customers. Sure, Frank is rich, but the bar should be haemorrhaging money and never seems to. Possibly because it's not even real?


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!