8 Ways It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Could End

5. Everything Took Place In A Courtroom

It's Always Sunny

People have been debating how this show could end for some time, and this concept has been brought up very often. It would be a perfect way to end the show, too perfect almost, as many fans could end up being disappointed by what would be a rather predictable ending. Still, sometimes the most obvious move is the right one.

Imagine this, it gets to the final episode, and something typically absurd happens that puts the gang into trouble with the law - which they are pretty used to at this point. However, instead of providing viewers with a solution, the scene suddenly cuts to the gang in a courtroom, revealing that everything fans have seen from season one to that point has been a story they've weaved to get themselves out of trouble.

This flashback format has been put into practice on multiple occasions, with episodes like "The World Series Defence", "The Maureen Ponderosa Wedding Massacre", "The Gang Goes to Hell", and many more. Therefore, it would be entirely sensible to reveal that the whole show has been one big flashback to justify their actions.

Whether it would be satisfying or not is uncertain, but it would be perfectly Always Sunny.


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