8 Ways Star Trek Just Isn't Star Trek Anymore

2. The Lack Of Bridge Dynamic

Star Trek Discovery Context is for Kings

Further to Discovery's serialised format, another thing that's been lacking is a proper bridge dynamic. No doubt this has emanated from the fact that Lorca himself is a dubious fellow, and Burnham's position on the Discovery is... complicated, but it wouldn't hurt to get that element back in the future.

Perhaps not in Discovery, but in another Trek TV show? Absolutely. TOS had Kirk, Spock, Sulu and Uhura to name but a few, and TNG had Picard, Worf, Ryker and Data. Even Discovery has the characters to make that dynamic work, with Saru, Lorca and Burnham in particular all having a great dynamic to suit a procedural Star Trek show.

Again, it's not so much that Discovery needs a bridge like the old series, but to pay homage to that old formula, or to even play around with it for an episode or two, would be a great thing to see.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.