8 Ways The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power Told You That Halbrand Was Really Sauron

4. He Is Too Knowledgeable And Involved In Creating The Rings Of Power

The Lord of the Rings The Power of the Ring Sauron Halbrand
Warner Bros. Pictures

Forging the rare Mithril, especially a small sample of it, is almost impossible, even with the best guildsmen. Yet somehow, it was not Celebrimbor that made great strides in how to forge it, but a mere low man like Halbrand, who should not be a smith at the level of Elves. At first, we can say that he just got lucky with his idea of combining lesser alloys into Mithril to amplify its power. After all, it is an idea that can only come from poor people who are accustomed to limited resources to get by. Celebrimbor, despite being the best Elven smith, who is accustomed to the finest resources, would never have thought of it on his own.

Then, when the Elves tried to continue taming Mithril, progress only moved forward because of Halbrand’s further suggestions. He played it like he had humble epiphanies, but it was all too specific for moments. The question is, why was he so invested in helping the Elves with the Mithril?

The clue lies in Adar’s recollection of Sauron; he said Sauron searched for the power to dominate creatures. Despite Sauron's best efforts, something was missing: "a dark knowledge that kept itself hidden". The moment Halbrand eyed Mithril in Celebrimbor’s workshop, Sauron found that dark knowledge. He will do everything for Mithril to become his Rings of Power.


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