8 Wild Ideas To End Game Of Thrones Without Disappointing Everyone

How HBO can land the plane without killing everyone on board...

Game Of Thrones Wedding Ending

It’s no secret that season eight of Game Of Thrones has been a little… divisive. While the astonishing production values remain the best on television, often putting big budget feature films to shame, and the cast are killing it delivering their swansong performances to the world, the storytelling hasn’t been as polished and captivating as we’ve come to expect.

But let’s not get mired down in negativity! After all, there’s one feature-length episode left which could still see the show go out on a high. True, there aren’t that many characters left alive to be in that finale, but that’s the game of thrones for you: you win or you die or something worse because dear god these people are awful to each other.

So, in the days leading up to that fateful final episode, here’s a collection of potential endings that have a decent shot at satisfying the majority of the millions of people watching at home. Obviously they won’t please everyone, but there’s always going to be some muppet convinced that Azor Ahai has been mentioned on the show (he hasn’t) or that Bran’s going to be the new Night King (he’s not).

Enjoy - and if you have your own best-possible-ending, tell us about it in the comments. 1000 Internet Points if you’re right!

8. The Divorce Ending

Game Of Thrones Wedding Ending

Following the sacking of King’s Landing and the destruction of the Red Keep, Daenerys Targaryen is the Queen presumptive: that is, until word reaches the remaining Lords of the seven kingdoms, sent by Varys prior to his death, of Jon Snow’s true parentage.

With a new civil war about to erupt, Sansa travels from Winterfell to broker a fragile detente between the former lovers. In exchange for Jon being ‘legitimised’ as a Stark, everyone agrees to publicly condemn the whispers flying around.

Jon will remain the King In The North, while Daenerys is crowned Queen In The South with Tyrion as her Hand, having persuaded her of his good intentions. He also persuades her of the worth of a certain Bronn of the Blackwater, newly invested Lord of Highgarden.

Dany is content, believing that she occupies by far the dragon’s share of Westeros, but Jon secretly plans to bring down the remains of the Wall and bring the wildlings under his protection, extending the North by leagues: his new seat will be a rejuvenated Castle Black, with Davos as his Hand.

Pod is knighted by Ser Brienne, who is named Wardeness Of The North and Lady of the Dreadfort by the new King. Sansa is formally named Lady of Winterfell, while Bran sits in the Godswood and stares into space.

And Arya? She turns up at Storm’s End and begins training the castle guard all uninvited, while Gendry Baratheon looks down from a tower window.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.