9 Characters Who Will Definitely Survive Game Of Thrones

6. Lord Varys

For many Varys' survival is only part of a two-sided coin: it seems to be a generally held consensus that at the end of things either Varys or Littlefinger will live, and that both cannot possibly survive. They are after all the arch-manipulators playing the game most consciously (aside perhaps from Margaery who plays it more morally, at least on the surface) and their approaches represent very different ideologies. Peter is out for himself, and his pride and greed will ultimately be his undoing, while Varys has less invested personally. Why He'll Survive He wants the game to be won by the best combatant for the realm, and once the game is complete he's basically the only one who can walk away. Some might expect him to make his own power play as his end game, but despite his cunning, Varys is actually pretty clear on his intentions.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.