9 Easter Eggs Hidden In TV Shows That Went Over Your Head

7. Community's Abed Nadir, Master Of Foreshadowing


Abed is typically used to to deliver meta commentary on the elements of the show that call attention to how other television shows tend to function. It's all quite...full of itself. But it's funny more often than not, so that can be overlooked.

In Season 2's "Aerodynamics of Gender" (aka The One Where Abed Tries To Become One Of The Girls), there's a running gag that has Abed analyzing the bitchiness levels of the interactions around him using an imagined heads-up display (HUD) a la Robocop. The information gathered helps him take down the "mean girls" in the school and win the hearts of his female study partners.

And although the main info presented on the scans is funny enough ("FLAW ASSESSMENT: Off-brand backpack, split-ends"), it's the stuff in the sidebar that is most interesting.

Presented in a tiny font, the HUD gives Abed's interpretation the show's plot points("Britta, Shirley, and Annie make Abed into one of the girls with zero repercussions," "Jeff, Pierce, and Troy learn a lesson about either basketball of remote toys") and then theactualsynopsis at the show's end ("Abed discovers his inner 'mean girl,' Pierce lands in the hospital").

But it gets better. Therealtreat is the host of plot points spelled out for upcoming episodes in the rest of the season. One side of the screen details Annie, Britta, and Shirley's "cycles" (which is a plot point in Cooperative Calligraphy), while the Memos portion of the HUD lists things like "Troy's birthday in 14 days" (Mixology Certification aired two weeks later), "Record Cougartown" (Abed talks to Jeff about winning a walk-on role in the show during Critical Film Studies), and "Confirm Mom for Xmas" (the central premise of Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas is that she bails on him).

Also, we're told there would be a paintball sequelweeksbefore the epic two-parter aired.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.