9 Most Important Deaths In Game Of Thrones

8. Lyanna Stark

Lyanna Stark

Being declared Queen Of Love And Beauty by the winner of a joust may sound romantic but if the brave warrior sports platinum hair you may be less thrilled with the implications of this. Even if he is a prince.

Lyanna€™s kidnap by Rhaegar Targaryen compelled her brother Brandon to head to King€™s Landing, where he was imprisoned as bait for his father. Both were executed by the Mad King and this served as catalyst for Robert€™s rebellion.

Robert Baratheon was set to marry her and bore an all-consuming love for her. This love would explain the disheveled, drunken king Robert became and why he could not love his wife Cersei. Many great battles were fought in her name and despite being long dead her presence is palpable in Season 1.

She embodies the downfall of the house of Targaryen, setting up their exile. How her brothers and betrothed acted in her name told us all we need to know about the Starks and the Baratheons. And it was a glimpse into the madness of the Targaryens, the growing threat across the Narrow Sea.


Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.