9 Most Important Deaths In Game Of Thrones

3. Robb Stark

Game Of Thrones Roose Bolton Robb Stark

The King In The North€™s death reinforced the message that was sent with Ned€™s beheading. No one is safe and honour won€™t protect anyone as well as treachery and low cunning. Robb played everything by the numbers and payed with his life. A strong thematic statement.

The entire Red Wedding causes Arya to remain on the run and under the rough tutelage of the Hound. Sansa remains a hostage and Winterfell is left unprotected. All of these things were vital going forward and he was in the way of this.

The North€™s fractured state and reach of Lannister influence were all illustrated well with this brutal display and the audience learned not to hope. The reactions to his death by all the major players are very telling indeed. We gained further insight into Lord Tywin€™s strategic mind and Tyrion€™s heart when the news reached the capitol.

All hope for the restoration of the old order was snuffed out with the young wolf and audience members all over began to take a more subjective view of protagonists and antagonists. This allowed the story to take some unexpected and very dramatic turns. If Robb were still alive would we really be upset by Jamie€™s daughter being killed?


Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.