9 Most Important Deaths In Game Of Thrones

4. Ned Stark

ned stark

This is the one that set the tone for the entire series. This one had us saying that no one was safe and we were mostly right. Eddard Stark is Honour personified and like King Robert and Jon Arryn he is a dying breed, in every sense.

The Age Of Heroes is reverently recalled as a time of chivalry and high honour. A time just battles were fought by good men for noble reasons. Ned grew up at the tail end of all that. He had seen some awful things in his time but he was not prepared to lower himself for selfish reasons.

His death saw the North thrown into open rebellion and inner turmoil. The game was in full swing after his passing and all men saw a just man€™s head on a pike. Honour died with Ned Stark, or at least that€™s how it seemed.

The indomitable resolve of Eddard Stark was passed to each of his children and this rare thing has proven invaluable in protecting the realm, righting wrongs and giving hope for the future. His death was impactful and changed everything but he taught his children well. His values are what keep us all calling for justice.


Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.