9 Most Manipulative Characters In TV History
5. Ben Linus - Lost

"How many times do I have to tell you John? I always have a plan."
There are certainly superior strategists to Ben Linus. The relationship between his immediate objectives and his end goals are not always clear, or logical. But when it comes to story-telling there is, perhaps, no greater manipulator.
Linus is the consummate liar, spinning unlikely stories with such conviction that, even as an objective or even distrustful viewer, it's hard to disbelieve him. You want to believe him, not because he's likeable or charming, but because he's just that good. Self-depricating, sympathetic and, above all, earnest, Linus causes you to disregard the most important barometer for evaluating the possibility of falsehood: plausibility.
Even his track record as a proven liar is no barrier to his being able to win people to his side. In the end, Linus gets his redemption arc, but he never stops playing people. And it never stops being fascinating to watch.