9 Most Manipulative Characters In TV History

3. Ramsay Snow - Game Of Thrones

Caprica Six Battlestar Galactica

"You will watch as my dogs devour your wild little brother, then I will spoon your eyes from their sockets and let my dogs do the rest . . . come and see…"

Ramsay Snow is a man who is almost entirely driven by his sadistic impulses. The Bastard of the Dreadfort does far more than simply take what he wants. He breaks, controls, and remodels his victims. A shrewd, albeit short-sighted, strategist, Ramsay is eventually undone by Littlefinger and the surprise arrival of the Knights of the Vale.

Ramsay earns his place amongst the aristocrats of manipulation through his relationship with the long-suffering Theon Greyjoy. The heir to the Iron Islands is deceived by Snow, captured and then tortured beyond breaking point. The once proud lordling becomes Ramsay's snivelling creature. Even Greyjoy's thoughts are seemingly controlled by Ramsay, and the broken man, unrecognisable from his days spent prior to his time in the dungeons of the Dreadfort, is terrified of having disloyal thoughts lest he earn the ire of his master.

Never before or since in television history have we been witness to such total control of one character by another without the involvmenet of supernatural powers.


Author, father, watcher of TV, and long suffering Cleveland Browns and Southampton FC fan.