8. Continue To Experiment
Much criticism was levelled at Season 4 for its narrative structure, which seems unfair in retrospect. The series was split into 15 episodes that each took place over a similar time period, with information and jokes being fed to the audience in incomplete parts so that only a viewing of the full series would reveal everything. This was done partially out of necessity, as the unavailability of certain cast members meant that it was more feasible to film single episodes relating to each character rather than episodes that required the ensemble cast. But it was also an incredibly innovative way of playing on the show's infamous penchant for running jokes and in-references. Jokes would be referred to in the first episode that would not pay off until mid-way through the season, while mysterious allusions in the first half of the series would only make sense once the perspectives of other characters had been explored. This did result in a few problems (which are mentioned later in the list), but the bravery shown in making such a creative decision is to be applauded. Arrested Development has always been a pretty experimental and fan-oriented comedy series. Long may that continue.