9 Reasons To Be Excited About Arrested Development Season 5

7. But Try To Balance That With More Humour Early On

As I suggested, there were a few problems with the narrative structure - an inevitable side effect of taking such an experimental approach. The main one is the fact that the first few episodes of the season were just not all that funny and ultimately came across as pretty confusing. While the gag set-ups and storyline allusions in these early episodes, with hindsight, is pretty impressive, on first viewing the episodes just end up dragging - not ideal for a show that has long relied upon quick-fire jokes (known to hide several visual jokes in a single shot). The overall experiment paid off well, and after a few viewings the hidden meanings and jokes play out far more smoothly. But in Season 5 the balance must be better for first-time viewers. This is something that should improve given that the prototype season is out of the way.

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