9 Things That Need To Happen Before Brooklyn Nine-Nine Ends

7. Pimento Finds Stability

Brooklyn Nine Nine

Adrian Pimento is the source of most of Brooklyn Nine Nine's darkest humour, and has been since his first appearance in season three.

Having spent twelve years undercover in the Mafia, Pimento's return to the Nine Nine was a difficult adjustment, and it's something that's grown to define him in the years since.

Pimento's demons led to his dismissal from the Nine Nine, and despite the former detective then finding work as a P.I. and an insurance investigator, he's still struggling with the crimes he had to commit and the person he was forced to become while undercover.

Most recently, we saw Pimento survive repeated attempted murders while undergoing short-term memory loss, and in spite of Pimento's bloody past and violent tendencies, it's impossible not to feel sorry for the well-meaning former policeman.

After all, Pimento's string of awful luck is a direct result of his many years of service to the NYPD, and seeing a hero suffer is, while funny, slightly upsetting.

Before the show ends, it would only be fair to Pimento to see him find peace and happiness. He deserves it.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.