9 TV Characters Who Randomly Changed Personalities

5. Jaime - Game Of Thrones

Jaime Game Of Thrones

Across the entirety of Game of Thrones, few characters went on as large a personal journey as Jaime Lannister. Initially a villain, the Kingslayer begins a riveting redemptive arc when he ends up stripped of his titles, honor and his hand while out on the road with Brienne, resulting in one of the most captivating emotional exchanges in the series as he (figuratively and literally) bares all in Harrenhal's bathhouse.

It begins an arc that's pretty much perfectly drawn across the entirety of the show - well, until Season 8 rolled around anyway. While a large amount of characters regressed and shifted on a dime in the controversial final season, only Jaime felt like he was betrayed by the writers. After building up to the moment where he finally broke free from the spell Cersei had over him in Season 7, the final episodes saw him regress, heartlessly leaving Brienne and returning to save a woman he knew was too far gone to listen to reason.

While that can potentially be justified with enough analysis, though, his proclamation to Tyrion that he "never much cared" for the people of Kings Landing, the innocents his sister is ruling over, felt like a slap in the face of anyone who invested into his journey. Everything he said during this scene directly contradicted his confession in the pool, to the point where it felt like the writers must have forgotten it even happened.

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