9 TV Characters Who Randomly Changed Personalities

4. Wesley Wyndam-Pryce - Angel

Lilah Wesley Angel
The WB

There might not be a stranger character transformation than that of Wesley Wyndam-Pryce. Debuting in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Wesley was a stuffy, posh Watcher, the kind of clean-cut corporate pencil-pusher who has no idea about the reality of the work he's apparently overseeing. Or at least as close as you can get to that in a profession all about killing monsters and stopping hell itself spewing into suburbia.

He was so useless and blind to his actual responsibilities that he ended up being fired, something which was supposed to be cheered on by the audience. Though he didn't return to Buffy's main show, he did become a main cast member on spin-off Angel, despite seemingly being an ill-fit for the sister series' far darker, more mature leanings.

When he first showed up, he had a bit of an edge to him, but he was still mostly comic relief. Somewhere along the way, however, Wesley transformed into a dark, brooding character, with most of the levity stripped away in favour of fractured allegiances and ulterior motives. He could always be a s**t, but he ended up being not only a genuine threat in Angel, but someone capable of doing both terrible and kindhearted deeds.

He ended up becoming one of the most tragic, darkest characters on the show, a far cry from the one-note, pompous personality he was stuck with on Buffy.

Put simple, Buffy's Wesley makes sweet love, Angel's Wesley f***s

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