9 TV Shows That Wrapped Up In Ridiculously Bizarre Ways

4. St. Elsewhere

This one is so infamous that not including it would be ridiculous. St. Elsewhere was proto-ER and Chicago Hope: an urban medical drama that dealt with contemporary issues and jump started tons of people's Hollywood careers. This is literally the show that gave Helen Hunt, Ed Begley Jr., Howie Mandel, Mark Harmon, and Denzel Washington their big breaks. But it ends with the sting that the entire past six seasons of the show were all in an autistic kid's head. Unlike some of the other bizarre endings, which at least had their origins in good ideas, nothing about this ending makes any sense. If this was supposed to be something about the difficulty of raising an autistic child, it would've been better to have this be the beginning of an episode. The only other semi-coherent explanation for this ending is that everyone on the production staff hated the show and were glad to be done with it. That would not only explain the ending being a giant middle finger to the fans, but why the production company killed off their cat mascot after the credits.

Living in Florida, enjoying the weather when its good, writing for a living. TV, Film, Animation, and Games are my life blood. Follow me on Twitter @xbsaint. Just try not to get too mad when I live tweet during Toonami.