9 TV Shows That Wrapped Up In Ridiculously Bizarre Ways

3. Battlestar Galactica

Back in 2004, the Battlestar Galactica miniseries was anti-Star Trek: no incredibly advanced technology beyond FTL drive, the only races involved were humans (Colonials) and cyborgs (Cylons), characters with natural sounding dialogue and conflicts, and unique action set pieces. Unfortunately, after a season and a half, the show started meandering and relying on the metaphysical aspects of the universe as a crutch as the writers struggled to make things up. After an abysmal third season with the dumbest Iraq War allegory ever, Sci-Fi gave Ron Moore and David Eick a final season to wrap things up. And while that final season was a lot better than season 3 as a whole, it make up for the finale ending with a truly bizarre of events. After a pretty long and great looking space battle near the event horizon of a black hole, Galactica does one final FTL jump and emerges near Earth (our Earth €“ there was ruined one earlier in the show). As it turns out, everything in BSG happened 150,000 years ago; the Colonials and Cylons decided to ditch all their technology and teach the primitive humans in order to break a cycle of humans making robots that rebelled and killed them. They send almost all of their ships into the sun, and at some point, the first Colonial/Cylon hybrid becomes the common female ancestor of our species, which is revealed through a Ron Moore cameo in New York, where he reads a National Geographic issue on the topic. Galactica's finale is pretty much what you get when no one does even a basic outline of the plot when they start the show. For a show that touted its close adherence to science at its beginning, Battlestar Galactica (and Ron Moore) made the fatal mistake of trying to warp scientific facts to fit its ridiculous plot points and themes. That extra bit of bizarreness at the end broke the backs of almost everyone still watching the show at that point, leaving a whole lot of bitter and disillusioned scifi fans out there.

Living in Florida, enjoying the weather when its good, writing for a living. TV, Film, Animation, and Games are my life blood. Follow me on Twitter @xbsaint. Just try not to get too mad when I live tweet during Toonami.