9 Ups & 3 Downs From Friends: The Reunion

1. The One Where Friends Changed The World

Friends The Reunion David Schwimmer

Friends literally changed the world.

The core cast discussed that when they came back for season two, things were massively different. This time, they weren't giving the world their first glimpse at these six friends; instead, they were furthering the stories that had captivated the world. As David Schwimmer mentioned, no one knew what that sort of pressure felt like except for the six core cast members.

Hearing the ensemble explain the impact of the show is one thing, but this has to be backed up with proof. Case in point, BTS. The K-pop band have no correlation to Friends at all, but band member RM - real name Kim Nam-joon - recalls learning English by watching Friends. His mother had bought him the Friends boxset, allowing him to learn the language. For what it's worth, hearing just the voice, you'd never assume that English wasn't his first language.

Everyone knew what Friends was and loved it. From Africa to Mexico to Japan to Slovakia, the sitcom hooked fans in. What grabbed your attention here is that those fans spoke about how Friends had saved them at a point in their lives where they truly needed saving. By watching Friends, they were provided with a reason to keep going, to believe in themselves, to have the confidence they need.

If a single television show is able to achieve this, they've hit the peak. Legitimately tear-jerking stuff.

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