Doctor Who: Every Multi-Doctor Story Ranked Worst To Best

9. The Two Doctors

Doctor Who The Giggle bi-generation
BBC Studios

While most multi-Doctor stories were commissioned to mark some sort of special occasion, this one turned up halfway through Season 22 completely randomly.

And it's a good thing it wasn't made for a big event, because it would've spoiled the party.

The Two Doctors pairs Colin Baker with Patrick Troughton, as Six must investigate Two's apparent kidnapping by a genetically-modified Androgum and some Sontarans.

Classic Who was made in a vastly different time and has a much slower pace than the modern show, but this one drags out painfully over three 45-minute episodes, each one worse than the last. While it's always great to see Troughton, Baker is at his most unsavoury, constantly clashing with everybody and even murdering one of the villains with some cyanide.

Combined with the dull and often idiotic nature of the story, The Two Doctors is firmly towards the bottom of the multi-Doctor pile.

Although, as you'll find out a bit later, this is the only story titled "The ____ Doctors" to be accurately named, which counts for something!

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.