Doctor Who: Every Multi-Doctor Story Ranked Worst To Best
8. Time Crash

With those first two out the way, we have mostly good things to say about the rest of the list, starting with 2007's Time Crash. This one might only be eight minutes long, but it's utterly delightful.
Set between Martha Jones leaving the TARDIS and the Titanic starship crashing through its wall, Time Crash sees David Tennant's Tenth Doctor come face-to-face with Peter Davison's Fifth, thanks to some technobabble sci-fi stuff.
While there is something of a plot regarding the Doctors working to uncouple their TARDISes, it's really a thinly-veiled excuse for Tennant to fawn over the Doctor he grew up watching.
Ten marvels at Five when he's in front of him, complimenting his dress sense and general demeanour with all the childlike glee of the most dedicated fanboy. As he sends his past self on his way, Ten remarks "You were my Doctor", which is just the sweetest thing ever.
Also, a bit weird in retrospect, considering that's now his father-in-law.
Its short length keeps it from getting higher up the list, but Time Crash is a lovely reminder that the people who make Doctor Who love it just as much as those who watch it.