Adventure Time: 6 Interesting Unanswered Questions

2. Finn's Origin

Baby Finn

In the episode "Memories Of Boom Boom Mountain" it's explained how Finn came to be adopted within his close family of talking canines, being found by adoptive father Joshua and mother Margaret alone in the forest as an infant. But exactly who Finn's biological parents are, or how he came to be in that forest in the first place is still unknown. Finn's status as the last human is well documented in Adventure Time, with characters often shocked at his existence following the events of the Mushroom War. His humanity is literally a label, his title 'Finn the Human' is known far across all of Ooo. Finn himself has stated that he knows nothing about his parents or any other humans, and it makes him "soul-searchy" whenever he thinks about it... Us too Finn, us too.

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