Adventure Time: 6 Interesting Unanswered Questions

1. Peppermint Butler

Peppermint Butler 600 450 Q50

A small thing sure, but something that has played on my mind following several episodes conclusions... What is Peppermint Butlers deal? He is... Evil? Or if not evil he certainly knows a great deal about dark things. Take for example the episode "Death in Bloom", where Finn and Jake are given the necessary knowledge by Pep But about entering the Land of the Dead. Not only that, but Peppermint Butler's surprisingly close friendship with Death saved them both from certain doom, although Pep But claimed he would steal their flesh as payment... More past suspicious events include his apparent golfing sessions with Hudson Abbadeer, being known as 'The Dark One' by the Gumball Guardians, or being found right next too a dead goblin (who he found like that). Nobody is questioning his dying loyalty to Princess Bubblegum... But just keep your eyes open. Any other pressing questions I missed? Got a burning mystery you want solved? Sound off in the comments!

Representing Gaming Folk from Down Under! Big lover of Sony and Nintendo, Undeniably a Child at Heart! Anything to say about inFamous, Crash Bandicoot, Fallout or Zelda? I'm all ears!