Agents Of SHIELD: 10 Questions For Season 3
Will FitzSimmons ever get to go on that date?

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D enjoyed a much more successful time of things in its second run compared to its first. Or at least what people think of as the first, as the two halves of season 1 were very distinct in terms of quality (basically, first was bad, second good).
With it now established as its own show and with more confidence to do its own thing, it was able to move forward and explore more of the MCU and become the series everyone hoped it would be.
There were a lot of awesome moments in season 2, and a lot of excellent work done in laying groundwork for the future of the show. The mystery of Skyes parents was revealed, and it didn't disappoint as it turned out she was an Inhuman with a crazed father and a sociopathic mother.
FitzSimmons became Fitz and Simmons, and were all the better for it, while Agent May continued to kick-ass (including her own), Grant Ward returned, some great new characters were introduced, and all of it led by Clark Greggs performance as Phil Coulson, which were so used to seeing it almost gets forgotten how good he is in the role.
Season 2 completed the story it wanted to tell, but left a lot up in the air for when it returns in September with its third season, and there are a number of questions its going to have to answer