Agents Of SHIELD: 10 Reasons Season 2 Is A Massive Improvement

10. More Flashbacks

Season 1 used flashbacks sparingly when colouring in Ward's relationship with HYDRA and Phil's time in TAHITI, but Season 2 has become much more ambitious, using them to reveal not just the back stories of the leads but to tie the show more into the wider continuity. With Agent Carter becoming a show too, it made sense to have Peggy guest in Agents Of SHIELD and it's lovely to see her too, whether it be at the head of the Howling Commandoes or interrogating HYDRA big bad Daniel Whitehall and sentencing him to life in The Rat prison. There have also been flashbacks that depict the activities of Whitehall and of how he achieved his longevity. This also revealed the tragic fate of Skye's mother and showed why Skye's father has become the man he is. Whereas some shows seem to use flashbacks to fill up time, revealing very little or just posing more questions (hello LOST and Arrow), Agents Of SHIELD has always used them in a way that is satisfying and which forwards the plot. With Agent Carter now a show, one can hope that the wartime heroine makes more flashback appearances in the future. Would a time travel storyline where Peggy and the agents meet be too much to hope for?

Writer of The Blog of Delights, a review site covering film, TV, cult TV, books and audio. Fan of Dr Who, Bond, X-Men and Marvel. Also the writer of e-book 'Fictional Legends: Doctor Who - the TV Adventures' for Collca.