Agents Of Shield: 5 Ways To Improve The Show

1. Occasionally Bring In The Marvel Universe


This is a show about the everyday agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and not the many superheroes and villains of the Marvel universe. Fan expectations of grand character appearances from the Marvel movie universe aren€™t going to happen very often, at least at this point. Whether that€™s due to budget restrictions or Marvel wanting to keep characters for the big screen, fans need to realize they€™re not going to often have Hulk coming in unexpectedly to smash some bad guys.

Occasionally though, Marvel should attempt to bring in the heroes that aren€™t exactly up for big screen adaptations at this point. Right now, the show plays like a more lighthearted X-Files, which is plenty to bring in big audiences. But to keep those eyeballs interested, bringing in characters like Luke Cage could be a huge bonus for the studio, and based on fan reaction, could be a good way to gauge film interest for their characters.

That being said, Marvel doesn€™t need to go overboard with any cameos they bring in. At the end of the second episode, we were treated to a surprise appearance from Nick Fury that didn€™t amount to much other than a humorous line from Coulson about a fish tank. That€™s about all we need for now. Cameos that are great fun for the fans, but don€™t bog down the fact that this is supposed to be a show about the regular guys at S.H.I.E.L.D. saving the day.

So that's what I think. What do you think? Feel free to comment!


A Florida State University grad that enjoys the finer things in life: film, TV, literature, pizza, punk rock, and video games. Follow him on Twitter here: