Agents Of SHIELD Season 7: Ranking Each Character By How Likely They Are To Die

8. Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez

Agents of SHIELD Season 7

Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez hasn't been Yo-Yo-ing much this season. After a devastating injury in the Season 6 finale, Yo-Yo seemingly lost her power, the ability to run at a superhuman speed and back in a single heartbeat.

The most recent episode, After, Before, not only restores Yo-Yo's powers, but improves upon them. Now, Yo-Yo can run super fast and super far. She no longer has to return to where she started with her sprints, and can run the way most super speedsters can.

It wouldn't make sense to give Yo-Yo these new powers only to kill her off a few episodes later. The next episode looks like it will be set entirely on the Zephyr, so Yo-Yo seemingly won't be running all that much. This would give her only four episodes to show off her new skills, and killing her off without giving her a chance to use them would undermine her whole arc.


Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.