Agents Of SHIELD Season 7: Ranking Each Character By How Likely They Are To Die

7. Jemma Simmons

Agents of SHIELD Season 7

Despite their chemistry being one of the best parts of the show, Agents of SHIELD insists on separating Fitz and Simmons as much as possible. Simmons likes to joke that the lab partners turned best friends turned married couple are cursed, and given how little screen time they've shared in the past two seasons, her hypothesis, like always, seems to be correct.

Fitz and Simmons trying to find each other in the vast universe has driven so many of Agents of SHIELD's plotlines, so a logical ending to the show would be letting them stay together. Separating them has become played out at this point, so keeping them together at the end feels like the smartest move.

Still, killing off either Fitz or Simmons (or both) would be completely heartbreaking. Because of his previous death and current absence, Fitz seems less likely to die than Simmons. That said, they both should be safe, so they can perform their crazy scientific experiments together in peace.


Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.