Agents Of SHIELD: 10 Major Predictions For The Future

8. SHIELD Will Regain Public Credibility

SHIELD's public image took a beating when it was revealed to the world that the organization had been infiltrated and controlled by HYDRA for decades. The public outrage was so severe that any person claiming allegiance to SHIELD was considered an outlaw and was subject to being hunted by General Talbot. Coulson has worked hard to show the General that he and his team are not puppets of HYDRA and that the military and the public can trust them. Talbot has slowly been coming around to the idea that the remaining SHIELD agents are what they claim to be, although kidnapping him early in the season did not help Coulson's cause. If what is left of SHIELD teams up with Talbot to take down HYDRA at the end of the season, the organization may see public opinion swing back their way and be allowed to operate without being pursued by the Government.

Daniel is a husband of one and a father of 4 and an Office Manager in the desert of Apple Valley, California. He has a Bachelor Degree in Organizational Leadership from Azusa Pacific University. He is a big fan of all things superhero. Please follow him on Twitter @TV_Nerd_Dude.