Agents Of SHIELD: 20 Easter Eggs And In-Jokes You Probably Missed

3. His Name Is Scorpio

During €œEnd of The Beginning€, Agent Blake asks Melinda May if she€™s a Scorpio. This could easily be seen as inappropriate workplace banter, but it€™s more likely that the writers were dropping in a reference to the various Marvel Universe characters that have gone under the name Scorpio over the years. Each Scorpio has been an elite spy with tight connections to SHIELD, sometimes working with and sometimes against the espionage agencies as spies are wont to do. It would be great to see more of that €˜60s-infused spy action from the comics injected into the series to give it a different feel to other shows (and especially other comic book shows). Interestingly, each Scorpio character in the comics has at one point or another been in possession of the Zodiac Key (a Mighty Marvel MacGuffin). In the Agent Carter One-Shot short film, the titular character discovers €œZodiac€ vials. Coincidence? We think not...

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.