Agents Of SHIELD: 20 Easter Eggs And In-Jokes You Probably Missed

4. Grant Ward's Political Connections

Grant Ward has a complicated family history, particularly with his brother and his surrogate father John Garrett, as witnessed in flashbacks and conversations from the last string of episodes of the first season. But is there even more to Ward€™s ever more interesting background that we don€™t yet know about? In €œEnd of the Beginning€, Ward€™s family background is compared to that of the Kennedys €“ a strangely specific reference that doesn€™t seem like it would have been thrown in just to relate to sibling rivalry. Some have speculated that Grant might be related to Senator Ward, a character introduced in Spider-Man stories who served in the same special forces regiment as Gwen Stacy€™s father before betraying his team and later becoming, as you might have guessed, a U.S. Senator. It seems like a bit of a stretch, but the suggestion of complicated family history and a political character with the same last name might just be enough to tie those two threads together...

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.