Al Jazeera America: 5 Things It Brings To U.S. News On Day One

5. Diversity and Variety

Image22 While curating and presenting their brand of news to an American audience, Al Jazeera America sets itself apart from other news outlets by taking the perspective of "global citizen". This presents the audience with a more balanced interpretation of contemporary issues, not taking a particular side and presenting both views of arguments, Al Jazeera America sets a tone of old-fashioned straight-forward news in a modern form for the digital age, with the ability to present international news that only maybe CNN has the resources to rival. In a two-hour period on their premiere afternoon, watching Al Jazeera America not only clued audiences in on the bigger stories of the day like U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's comments on Syria as well as allegations of chemical weapons use from Damascus, AJAM also ran an informative segment on the cholera epidemic in Bangladesh, a feature on the creation of safe walking paths to and from Chicago schools, and a historical look inside China's changing economy. For those who crave international news and a refocusing on meaningful coverage and away from celebrity and entertainment, Al Jazeera America looks to be able to whet this appetite.
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A mild-mannered grad student writing on topics such as film, television, comic books and news.