Alan Partridge: Every TV Show And Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

1. I'm Alan Partridge

Alan Partidge

Every one of Alan's fake broadcasts, from radio shows to chat shows to documentaries, are classic, but it's the nitty-gritty of his equal parts mundane and self-aggrandising daily life that's enduring comedy gold.

In the decades that the character has been around, he has been at his funniest when his life was at its bleakest in these 12 tightly-written episodes that see him presenting in the graveyard slot of Radio Norwich, while living in a dreary anonymous travel tavern (in Season 1) or a static caravan (in Season 2).

There's a remarkable hit rate of both great lines and extremely funny situations just from following Alan about the mundanities of his daily life as he desperately tries to claw his way back to fame (every one of his TV concepts from "youth hostelling with Chris Eubank" to "Jet from Gladiators to host a Millennium barn dance in Yeovil aerodrome" is a pitch perfect mix of surreally plausible and depressingly rubbish).

Between dismantling his hotel room's trouser press out of boredom, soliciting opinions on the pedestrianisation of Norwich city centre to "keep the wolf from the door" during sex, and acting out the whole opening of The Spy Who Loved Me after discovering that it had been taped over with The World's Strongest Man, there are simply too many genius moments to outline here. Every episode would be the best part of virtually any other series.

The best British sitcom there's ever been? Quite possibly. Back of the net!


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