Altered Carbon Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs
7. The Production Values Are Totally Insane
The first thing everyone will notice about Altered Carbon is how utterly, jaw-droppingly visually stunning it is.
Generally, sci-fi TV shows have to take a huge hit in the budget department compared to movies, but Netflix has clearly spared no expense creating a glossy, gorgeous future, with eye-wateringly slick cinematography and some of the best CGI the TV medium has ever seen.
It wouldn't be a stretch at all to call Altered Carbon the best-looking sci-fi TV show ever made: it really does feel like Blade Runner 2049 brought on the small screen (albeit with less visual discipline), and there's not a moment where it ever feels like corners have been cut or money saved.
If Netflix can produce other big-budget shows of this absurdly high production quality, then the future's looking even brighter for streaming than we ever imagined.