American Dad: 5 Greatest Roger Personas

3. Tearjerker- Tearjerker, For Black Eyes Only


"Stan: The name is Smith, Stan Smith.Tearjerker: Didn't ask your name but okay."

With American Dad being a Seth McFarlane creation, it was only a matter of time before it parodied a famous film franchise and considering its set up, James Bond was an obvious choice. There's Stan- a spy by trade, Francine who's excellently placed to play the wonderfully whorish Sexpun T'Come, Steve who fulfils enough nerd stereotypes to take on the role of Q and Roger as the requisite big bad.

If truth be told, Roger didn't need his Tearjerker persona to fit in as a Bond villain. If we can watch a man completely re-structure his DNA whilst attempting to burn his way through a militarised zone without asking questions in Die Another Day, we can certainly swallow any story necessary to let Roger roam around, free to display his axe-crazy tendencies without any trouble whatsoever.

In his first appearance, Tearjerker replaced Hollywood actors with robots and cast them in awful movies to force the cinema-going public to watch his film which had the power to make people literally cry themselves to death. What Tearjerker actually stood to gain by this emotion induced homicide still remains to be seen, but the ridiculousness of the plot allowed us to see him in his dastardly glory and showed off all the personality traits we liked about him in one episode. This is done to greater effect in the second offering when Tearjerker can't even remember which side he's on long enough to help Stan get revenge on Black Villain for murdering Sexpun and landing him in a maximum security prison.

The James Bond episodes are brilliant additions to their respective seasons and the cultural references serve as homage to the enduring '007' franchise. Plus, if the Broccoli family ever need inspiration for Bond's next arch-nemesis, they need look no further than Tearjerker or Black Villain.

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American Dad
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A self-confessed Buffy fanatic with a penchant for sleuth shows, superheroes and anything with an infectious groove. I'm a Music and English Literature graduate with zany opinions on music, TV and film to unleash on anyone who will read them. Follow me on Twitter: swingking007