American Dad: Ranking Every Main Character Worst To Best

5. Hayley Smith

American Dad Avery Bullock

Before Stan hated Jeff Fischer, Hayley was the true thorn in her dad's side. She is a liberal, pro gun control, animal rights activist, who doesn't feel like she needs a job. Instead she likes to smoke marijuana and have her mom run around after her all day.

However, while Stan may hate all of these things about Hayley, the same way he does Jeff, they were once best friends. She was even nicknamed Happy Hayley by her family, before she started to grow up and realise just how much she hated her father and everything he stood for.

One of the most striking things about Hayley is her long list of weird and wonderful boyfriends. Aside from Jeff, she has been out with Deputy Director Bullock, Reginald the koala bear, Snot, Dill Sheppard, Millionaire Matt Davis, and perhaps strangest of all, Stan's CIA body double, Bill.

However, there is far more to her as a character than her relationships with the men in her life. She has been a phenomenal singer at Roger's Place, a stunningly effective brainwashed assassin, and a deadly D&D nerd-slayer. Though she is always funny, she is at her best when she is stoned.

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American Dad
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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.