American Dad: Roger's 5 Greatest Disguises

4. Clive Trotter/Russell Brand


More often than not, Roger's disguises steal the scene. This one is no exception.

The Memorial Day sale is here, and after a 16 hour shopping trip, Francine and Roger emerge from the Mall at nightfall. Roger is disguised as everyone's favourite political comedian, Russell Brand. Francine then gets mugged in the car park, but all you're really doing is laughing at Roger, who's running away shouting "my name is Clive Trotter, I'm an American and I am in trouble".

Roger has the long 'bird nest' hair, shirt and waistcoat with the thin scarf, white belt and matching chelsea boots. It's one of those great disguises that you would recognise anywhere.

There's no real reason behind the Russell Brand outfit, but that's one of the things that makes Roger's outfits so great, they don't have a reason behind them, you can just enjoy them.

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American Dad
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Gretchen Curran hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.